Co Owner

Hi my name is Keighley im 17 and I'm the Co owner of Urban Tails, Im the Chandler/Waxettiere here at UT, The reason I started making Eco soya wax melts is because I saw there was a large gap in the market for something that was not only beautiful to look at but that smelt amazing too BUT they had to be pet friendly as my best friend and soul mate Oscar (The gorgeous Lurcher above) is very sensitive hence why I use ONLY the very best products in my candles and wax melts. I started thinking about this project in 2022, I wanted my business to stand out from the rest and it to be something I can pour my heart and soul into, we have been through multiple themes but I never found one that I fell in love with until now our current logo is vibrant and out there and we reflect this theme into all of our products and scents to make sure we really stand out from all the rest of the plain companies. With every new product that comes to UTWM I can assure you that I have put hour of research into making these products to the best of my ability and with the highest quality products I can source

  • Co Owner

    My name is Clare im 44 and I'm the crocheter here at UT and also Keighleys mum as we are a mother and daughter run business, I started crocheting 10yrs ago when I broke my ankle and foot I took this opportunity to learn a new skill. Then in 2021 Keighley became the Muma to Oscar and decided he needed a jumper and snood and so in February 2022 Urban Tails was born, We don't just do pet apparel we also do custom pieces too so if there is something your looking for just pop us an email.